Hello dear friends, I am over Neat and Tangled blog today. Hope you going to have a wonderful weekend and may be some time for crating....

Hello-hello awesome people, I am over Neat and Tangled blog today. Recently, I was organising my cardstock and found a few lists of beau...

Hello dear Friends! I again over Neat and Tangled blog. To continue my thought on finding inspiration from previous projects, I wanted to ...

Hello-hello awesome people, I am over a Neat and Tangled blog today. It is been a while. At my previous post, I've shared with you ...

Hello-hello awesome people, I am over Neat and Tangled blog today to share a super simple and fast to make project. Again, I am working ...

Hello-hello dear people, Daria here. For my today's post, I've created a diamond pattern using Geometric die set and little fl...

Hello-hello Awesome People! I was playing with Floral Frame Stamp and die se for Neat and Tangled blog . And there is a video too. ...
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